Casella di testo: WIND FORECAST



Casella di testo:  Besides the wind strength (in knots), is also represented the percentage of cloud coverage and the eventual raining measured in mm. 
Casella di testo:  Techniques
Casella di testo: Kayak Courses
Casella di testo: Enrollment
Casella di testo:  Pictures
Casella di testo:  Holiday  House
Casella di testo: Olympic Committee
Casella di testo:  Wind Forecast




Casella di testo: To learn windsurfing or kayak,  as we have to stay in contact with the sea, 
is necessary to be confident with meteo forecast. 
Time ago, when there was not internet yet and the data available 
were scarce, the windsurfer got the information from the fishermen (“not go out today: there is strong wind!!” so that in that case the wind was good for windsurfing!!), or the info were taken from the TV. 
  We have here below highlighted  some links useful to be followed in a priority order.






Casella di testo: METEO links 

Casella di testo: In order to have available a general forecast based on a period of 8 days, with indication of a specific spot, is necessary to consult, selecting the spot of interest 


      Casella di testo: Home
Casella di testo: Contacts





Casella di testo: METEO wind 

Casella di testo: Going into specific details, is possible to consider the surfing maps available into the adrress 
By clicking on the specific map (windfinder sud) you get the following info: 
Casella di testo: Wind Sporting School
e-mail Catania - Brucoli
Tel +39 334 8360299




Casella di testo: You could also set the time to select the hour and see the evolutions